Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Last day of work has been set!

July 3, 2007 will be my LAST day of work before the baby is here!! That is unless she comes a little early. This will give me a couple days to make sure I have everything ready for her arrival and not feel like I am rushing around the last minute. Plus I will also be able to get the house in order, some meals ready and run last minute errands. So really that is only 4 more full weeks of working! THANK THE DEAR LORD. :)

I had my 33 week appt & NST yesterday. Addison fully cooperated and the NST went well. My BP was 128/82 which is EXCELLENT and Dr. Vargas said she is really happy with the little changes I have made in order to keep my BP in check. She also said that the baby has jumped up 8% in the last week in regards to growth and I have a little chubs on my hands!! I asked her if that meant I was no longer on track to have a 7lb baby, and she said "not so much". I then said "I am not going to have an 11 pounder am I?" and she said "Not an 11 pounder... " (with emphasis on the 11). Then she just laughed~~Good Lord!!! I am thrilled she is healthy and a chunky little peanut... but lets all hope for a healthy baby that is NOT ginormous!! She estimated that Addison is 4lbs 9oz at this time.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Yahoo - the baby shower is this weekend!

Well it seemed like it was forever away - but my baby shower is this weekend. I am SO excited!! I have some friends coming in from out of town and I cannot wait to see them! We also have our childbirth class on Saturday so Erik and I have quite the busy weekend ahead of us. My 33 week appt & NST is today and in less than 6 weeks she will be here!! Only 5 more weekly doc appts after this - YAY!! I am having trouble sleeping and seem to get up 5-6 times a night these days. Maybe this is all in preparation for the little lady's arrival. I am somewhat nervous about going into labor, but at the same time tired of being uncomfortable - so I am ready!

We set up the bassinet and I have pretty much washed everything up through 3 months in her closet. I also packed her diaper bag for the hospital, but will wait to pack mine for a few more weeks yet. To those of you who are wondering - YES I am planning on bringing the MSB (much to Erik's dismay). How on earth am I supposed to sleep in the hospital with out it?

THANKS A MILLION to my friend Gena in WI who sent over the cutest baby package/gift for the shower. She got Addison a Pottery Barn Kids blanket w/ her name embroidered on it, 2 adorable 18 month outfits, 2 button up onesies so I don't have to try to get her head through the top, a thing of wipes, infant q-tips, a cute little jean hat from baby gap and disposable changing pads. It was really unexpected and SO thoughtful. Thanks so much!

Introducing the little 3D

First here is a picture of me when I was born - sorry its in black & white it is all I could get to work from the scanner here in the office. Here is Addison with her hand over her face. If you look on the right hand side you can see her fingers in her eyes :) She looks to have my nose & lips - at least that is what the "people" are saying.

Here is a picture of her all curled up snuggling into her arm. She loves to have her hands up by her face. She is so stinkin' cute!

The tech caught part of a smile/yawn and Addison started to drop her hand for a second. She was pretty active in there!

Monday, May 21, 2007

3d/4d Ultrasound (32 weeks!)

Well we had it done - and I will tell you it was AMAZING! I should have the disk sometime this week and I will post pictures. She is adorable and I am completely smitten w/ her. (By the way - to those of you who knew I was having dreams she has a cleft palate... she doesn't ;) I don't have a lot of time to write b/c I am working on an initial disclosures statement for a meeting with our atty tomorrow morning - but I will post the pictures and tell you all about it later this week. I will tell you she has long legs & big feet - thanks to my husbands size 13-14 shoe size ;)

A couple things to note:

*Thanks a MILLION to whom ever sent Addison her first savings bond :) It came in the mail on Saturday and didn't have any info attached to it, so we are not sure who it is from, but thank you very much! I already put it away in her file!

* The little lady measured 4lbs 4 oz today, and her heart beat was 150 bpm. She is in the 47% for growth and they said she is measuring perfect. The non-stress test went well. She didn't cooperate until they gave me a Capri Sun (my new favorite drink) and after about 10-15 minutes she was moving around like crazy!

* Induction is officially scheduled for July 9. Dr. Vargas said they would check me at my 38 week appt on July 3 and depending on how I am progressing will determine if I come in the night before on the 8th to start the induction process - or if I will just come in bright and early Monday morning. Either way we should have Addison in our arms sometime on the 9th! 7 WEEKS from today!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I am so excited! My doctor is on vacation the week before so lets hope the lady doesn't want to make her appearance sooner! I REALLY want to have MY doctor. She is wonderful.

* Erik and I have a breastfeeding class tonight at the hospital. Should be interesting. I will let you know how it goes.

*I also want to thank my friend Mary for all her advice. She had her daughter Reagan back in January and has been a wealth of knowledge and has answered my many, many questions on pretty much a daily basis. It's so good to know you have someone you can call about the little pregnancy things and count on to give you good advice. THANK YOU MOUSE!

Monday, May 14, 2007

The BEST Mother's Day Ever :)

So I have to brag for a minute about Erik. I have been a little snippy w/ him the past few weeks (I blame the pregnancy hormones...sorry honey) and have been giving him a hard time about not being more romantic & telling him I feel unappreciated. Anyway - this Sunday I woke up to the best surprise EVER. First off Sunday morning started with Erik getting out of bed w/ the dogs to take them out at around 7:00am. He was really quiet and just let me sleep. Around 8:30am, I wrapped up in MSB(Magic Sleeping Blanket) and went downstairs. Erik had just come in from getting us breakfast (McGriddles - MY FAVORITE - yes I know they are about the worst thing you can eat - but oh they are so good!) I also saw 2 bouquets of flowers sitting on the table. 24 long stem red roses from Erik, and a bouquet of flowers from Addison & the dogs. Erik then gave me a card telling me how much he loves & appreciates me and that I am a great "dog mom" and will be a great mother to our daughter. He also then gave me a box to open from Hallmark and it was the "Cherish" figurine by Willow Tree. Cherish is the pregnancy one, and I honestly love it. Erik was so thoughtful, and really made me feel very appreciated and loved!!! :) He then spent the day going w/ me to run errands and go to Tagawa Gardens to pick up some flowers for the front porch. He could have easily went to play basketball w/ his friends, but he spent the day with me & the dogs. I really had a wonderful day. Ok - enough of the mushy stuff - but I had to give him a shout out because he really put a lot of thought into Sunday - and I love him very much!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Before & After... Grooming pictures of the boys

I haven't posted any pictures of Addison's "brothers" yet - so above is a picture taken yesterday of Goose & Wrigley. Below is a picture of Wrigley AKA "Roo" taken last week.... BEFORE the grooming appt :) Look at that beard!! Some might say he has a face only his parents could love. ;)
I know I am bias -but I think I have the CUTEST dogs in the world!! I don't have any current pictures of Barrett -the one below is almost a year old!! I will get some soon!! He still looks the same - just now he tips the scales at 12 lbs!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

30 weeks - there is a light at the end of the tunnel!!

Well I finally brought my camera back into work and have some pictures to post.
The first couple are of Erik after he put our new travel system together this weekend!! My Mother In Law was kind enough to buy the travel system for Addison for the baby shower and we both love it! Erik picked it out and its crazy to think in a few short weeks their will actually be a little baby in there!! I told Erik I wanted to take a picture of him w/ the stroller and he proceeded to stick his entire head in the car seat - that's my Erik. Anyway - Thanks a Million to Dana! We will get great use out of this!!

The last picture is me in all my glory at 28 weeks along. I also have 20,24 & 26 week pictures... but I figured I would post the most up to date one. I have been debating posting a picture or not - but here is me and the little lady. This was before work one day. Sorry for the lack of smiling I was concentrating on keeping the picture in focus since Erik already left for work and couldn't take it for me.
I had my 30 week appt yesterday. It was the quickest appt to date! I have basically been a couch potato for the last 2 weeks since I came down with that horrible infection and it wiped me out. Yesterday my doctor FINALLY put me on antibiotics and I am beyond thrilled. I am so tired of being sick. The cough syrup they gave me has codeine in it and last night was the best I have slept in weeks!!! So hopefully in the next couple days I will be as good as new!
My blood pressure was still high (136/85) but nothing out of the ordinary for me. Dr. Vargas also set an induction date! If Addison has not already made her appearance by July 8 - she will be born July 9!!! WOOHOO. Dr. Vargas seems to think that she might need to come a little earlier though because of my blood pressure... we shall see. I didn't get an ultrasound yesterday, but she picked up her heart beat and said she sound great! Next time I get what she called the "Spa Treatment" (she was being facetious) which is a non stress test, ultrasound & appt. Then I start weekly appointments until she is here! Time is flying and I am getting really excited, but anxious.
Erik is typical Erik - relaxed & laid back. I think he will be excellent to have in the delivery room because he will calm me down. He is getting really excited for his daughter to be here - and looking forward to the 3d/4d ultrasound on May 19. His 27th Birthday is also this Thursday -so we will be going out to celebrate this weekend. :)

Friday, May 4, 2007

Yay - Erik felt her!

Well it only took until 30 weeks... but Erik felt the little lady last night!! He hasn't really been trying to feel her - and last night we were watching the Golden State/Mavericks game and she was moving all around. I had Erik put his hand on my stomach and sure enough she kicked his hand a few times :) He felt her back about 6 weeks ago -but he said it was so light he almost wasn't sure if it was her. So he has officially felt his little girl!! YAHOO!

I am still trying to get better from the respiratory infection I caught last week. I have a pretty bad cough, but feel a lot better!! I am thankful Erik didn't catch it - its been pretty nasty :( A few more nights of some good rest and I think I will be good to go!

My last trip down to Pueblo was yesterday. I cannot really say I will miss that drive!! I will miss seeing some of the people down there, but plan on bringing Addison w/ me in this fall sometime.