Wednesday, April 25, 2007

28 week appt

Had my 28 week appt yesterday. Overall it went well! I had to drink the orange glucose tolerance test drink (which honestly tastes like a melted orange otter pop) and then they take your blood about an hour later. The drink is pretty gross and I am really hoping I passed so I don't have to drink that stuff again! No news is good news - so I am just hoping I DO NOT hear from my doctor's office in the next 24-48 hours.

My blood pressure was the BEST it has ever been!! 126/82 which is a little high from the 120/80 recommendation - but honestly that number is EXCELLENT for me. So I was really happy about that!

Weight gain was still in normal range -but I gained the most from the last appt to this one. :( Now that it is getting nice outside I just need to make sure I am walking more. Erik and I took all 3 of the dogs on a walk last week, and it was pretty funny. We must have looked like a circus trying to get all 3 dogs to walk together and stay on the sidewalk. So I might take them out one at a time if Erik cannot walk with me. Otherwise I think it would be a nightmare!

Little Miss Addison is still really low and head down. This leads me to believe she is pushing on my bladder with her hands or just likes to give it a quick punch from time to time. I thought for sure she must have flipped do to all the low movement - but she must have a pretty strong upper body already :) She weighs 2.7lbs and is in the 45.3 percentile for growth. Dr. Vargas said that 45% equates to about a 7lb baby at full term delivery. We will see :)

The ultrasound tech tried to get me some good pictures of her - but it is getting hard to determine what is what (at least from my perspective). Addison had a leg stretched out and we got a pretty cute picture of her foot. She looks to have pretty long legs already. Of course she was being a little stinker and we couldn't get a good picture of her face. She was sucking on two of her fingers and had her other hand over her face. We even tried to get her to move her hands and she ended up flipping upside down (face down) so I got a picture of her spine instead of her face. I am really hoping she decides to cooperate for the 3D/4D ultrasound on May 19 so we can see what our little lady looks like. The only other picture I walked away with yesterday was a "gender shot" with "YEP.......STILL ALL GIRL" typed across the top of it :)

I am still sleeping pretty well through the night. I am starting to get uncomfortable and wake up a bunch of times, but I can fall back to sleep fairly quickly. All the dogs feel they need to cuddle up next to me at night - which is cute, but they are little heat condensers and I wake up SO HOT. I usually try to make them curl up next to Erik since he doesn't mind having the fur babies lay all over him. Sure enough an hour later they are all pressed up against me again - so it is an on going adventure.

I saw my baby shower invites this weekend and they are AWESOME! I can honestly say if I had a million to chose from I would have picked those! My friends designed them and put them together this weekend and they are amazingly cute! I am so thankful that I have such wonderful friends. :) The shower is set for June 3 and I cannot believe how fast that is coming up.

My next doc appt is in 2 weeks, then I start weekly appts until she is here! I will update once I get the glucose results.... keep your fingers crossed for me.

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