Tuesday, February 10, 2009

28w Doc appt & Update

I had my 28 week doc appt today w/ the fun glucose test. That drink is so barfy!! They tried to tell me the "fruit punch" flavor is actually pretty good, and honestly I think it was worse then the "orange" one I had to drink when I was pregnant with Addison. Luckily I managed to keep it down long enough for them to draw the blood they needed too. My blood pressure was 116/70, I am up 3lbs. Baby's HB was 148 bpm and everything things to be right on track. I start 2 week appts now, and I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is flying by!

Addison is growing up SO fast. She turned 19 months on Monday. It seems like she says something new everyday, and understands more than Erik and I give her credit for. She starting putting 2 words together and can say about 15 animal sounds, and knows all her facial features as well as arms, hands, legs & feet. She is also a fabulous dancer (obviously takes after her Mom ;) ) She loves watching Dora the Explorer, Go Diego Go & reading her books (mainly the ones staring Dora & Diego). She is still going to Kindred Hearts Christian Day Care and loving it. THANKFULLY Kim agreed to take Avery as well as Addison in late July, and I am beyond grateful! Kim is a wonderful lady, and Addison really likes her and her family. She has an almost 3 year old son named Harrison, and Addy asks about "Harry" all the time :)

Lately she has been teething, and Erik and I have been up most nights with her. I feel so bad, since she is such a late teether - you can tell she has about 3 teeth ready to POP and she is miserable. ESPECIALLY at night. We have tried everything from Motrin, to the teething tablets, to baby orajel, cold washcloths & pacifiers. Last night she was up for 3 hours so upset, Erik ended up putting her in bed with us, and the little lady snuggled right in and fell sound asleep. I guess she just needed to be with her parents. Lets hope this doesn't become a routine for her.

Here are some pictures from this weekend. Eating lunch on Saturday. I think she looks SO grown up here.

Trying to "kiss" Barrett (Don't worry we didn't let her lick him)

Reading to her dog brothers (Barrett & Roo are in the background, but kind of hard to see.

Addison's new SMILE for the camera.

Singing with her Dad

Just chillin' in her jammies.Showing Dad where his nose is.

Here is a picture of Erik when he was in Rockford to see Riley. Carla didn't send a disk - so I had to take a picture of a picture just to get something on the blog of Erik holding his niece. Carla & Cletus are doing well, and Riley is growing like a weed! I hope we can get all the girls together soon!!

I forgot to mention Dana is coming out for Avery's birth!! WOOHOO. We are both really excited and Erik is so happy to have his Mom come into town. She will hold down the fort while I am in the hospital for a few days. Dana HATES to travel, so its a big deal for her to come out here. The end of April will be here before we know it!

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