Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Addy Shea is a BUSY LADY

Here are some picture of Addison over the weekend. She is growing like a WEED!! Lately she has been talking up a storm and my ONLY complaint is she is WIDE awake pretty much everyday by 5:30am. Its driving Erik and I nuts! We have tried to take her morning nap away, put her down for bed early, put her down for bed late - and honestly she is just ready to get up at 5:30am (much to my dismay). Our pediatrician said she is getting plenty of sleep and some kids are just "early risers" GGGREEEAATT.....

Here she is body surfing in the entry way. She is pretty much non-stop from the minute she wakes up until she goes to sleep. I can also say with 95% certainty she was listening to Backstreet Boys here. She LOVES the Backstreet boys and requests them daily.

Eating some bananas on Sunday morning. Erik asked her to smile if she loves bananas :)

Look how old she looks in this picture! Those jeans make her look like she is 4 years old!

Addison loves to wear sunglasses and will wear them for a good period of time until she decides one of the dogs need to try them on - then she tries to trap Barrett or Wrigley and force them to wear the sunglasses.

She was eating a Nutragrain bar - which is her favorite snack of choice these days. Her face is a mess - but I thought this picture was too funny not to post.
Some of Addison likes @ almost 20 months:
1. Barrett (they are BEST buddies)
2. Fruit
3. Her babies (all 200 of them)
4. Dora & Diego
5. Milk - I am lucky that my kid LOVES Milk.
Her dislikes:
1. Driving in the car (she is not a fan of being strapped into her car seat)
2. When we take her paci away
3. When Dad turns the tv to Basketball (I agree with her 100% on this one)
4. When we don't let her pull out all her toys and throw them around the house
5. Honestly I cannot come up with #5... that has to be a good thing ;)

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