Friday, February 27, 2009

Prayers Needed.....

Well this week has been a very hard week :( BOTH of my grandfathers have fallen very ill and we can use all the extra prayers we can get. I have been in touch with my parents, and my Aunt Clare on my Mom's side, and my Aunt Amy on my Dad's side have been great about keeping me in the loop as much as they can. I know this time is really hard on everyone.

Here is a little breakdown of what I know(from updates from my family).

My Mom's Dad (Tom Curtis) is currently in the hospital and has fallen very sick. He is not able to see anyone at this time and the doctors have decided not to run any more tests and just make him as comfortable as possible. They are moving him to hospice sometime today. My Aunt Caryn & my Mom are there for the time being- talking to his doctors and hospice care. Please keep my Grandfather in your thoughts. I just hope he is not in pain and the doctors are doing everything they can for him. UPDATE 12:33pm: Papa is now in hospice care, and made the trip okay. PLEASE say an extra prayer for my Mom. She is not doing well - and is understandably extremely upset.

My Dad'd Dad (Frank Martell) is at home currently in Savannah w/ my Grandma, his dog Minnie & my Uncles Brad & Chris. Chris flew in last night - and I think Brad is leaving today after being there most of the week. My Pop-Pop has an aortic aneurysm that has grown, and they are not able to perform surgery at this time due to his health. He also has a large tumor between his ribs & his lung which is causing him a lot of pain. My Dad said the doctor told them that it is cancerous :( He is scheduled for an endoscopy next Wednesday and we should know more info then. I know he is on morphine, but the medicine makes him sick - so he doesn't really eat. UPDATE 12:33pm: A nurse came to the house and gave Pop-Pop an IV, and my Aunt Amy said he is looking & feeling better after receiving the fluids. It was so nice to get some good news for a change.

I am pretty broken up about all this. All I can do is pray and be there for my parents. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

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