Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A HUGE thanks is in order

Thanks a MILLION to my Mom & Dad for watching Addison over the past couple days. Monday I was called to her daycare b/c she was having trouble breathing and had a fever of 101.3. I took her back to the doctor and sure enough she has bronchitis (AGAIN!!) :( UGH My Mom stayed home with her on Tuesday & My Dad is with her today.

Thanks so much!! Erik and I really appreciate everything and cannot thank you enough! Addison thanks you too!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Pictures from this weekend

Just thought I would post a couple pictures of Addison from this weekend. It was gorgeous here in CO. Almost 60 both days and very sunny!! In the picture below Addison is playing with her Leap Frog toy that she got from Grandma Dana. By "playing" I mean picking it up and tossing it around -she is a STRONG little lady.

Here is Addy Shea showing me her Pooh book. She is getting so big ;)


Addison LOVES Raffi!

Here is a video Erik took of Addison watching Raffi on Sunday. My younger brother Craig used to love to watch this as a kid - and so we bought it for Addison on Valentines day :) By the way - if you listen REAL closely you can hear her say her new favorite word "Da Da". P.S. Please ignore the messy family room & the fact that my kid pulls her socks off and shoves them into her mouth :) She also sneezes and we don't wipe her hands off right away... ick. We are good parents - I swear! ;) Enjoy!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Addison's newest friend!

Our good friends Jake & Holli had their son on February 15, 2008. Peyton Abraham L***** was born at 3:45 pm weighing 8lbs 13oz and 22 inches long. Addison will get to meet Peyton in the fall when we go back to IL & WI. Congrats Jacob & Holli - is he adorable!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Talk about a Daddy's Girl

About 1:30am last night Addison woke Erik and I up SCREAMING at the top of her lungs (which is her new thing by the way) and so we went into her room and I tried to calm her down while Erik went to put on a bottle. I couldn't get her to calm down - so I picked her up (I know - BIG no-no) and she calmed down instantly. I sat there rocking her and when Erik came back into the room, she looked up at him and said "Da-Da". Erik and I couldn't believe it!! He walked up to take her from me and she said it again!! In fact while he was feeding her she said "Da" or Da-Da" at least another 4 times. He put her back in her crib when she was done eating and we could hear her "talking" for about 10 minutes and she just kept saying "Da...........""Da........." over and over and over ;) Hard to be annoyed about the lack of sleep when she was being SO DARN cute!

To top it off this morning when I was getting her ready for school - she looked right up at me and said "Da Da". I think we are going to have to start working on Ma-ma. ;)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Update of sorts...

Well Little Miss Addison Shea had another rough couple weeks. Shortly after she had RSV (and we thought she was better) she came down with bronchitis & ended up getting pneumonia. Erik and I spent 6 days at home with her while she had to do nebulizer treatments & try to battle a fever of 104. THANK THE LORD she started getting better a little over a week ago, and besides a really stuffy nose she is doing much better. As long as I would take pictures of her, she would sit still long enough to do the 15 minute breathing treatment. So here is one of her "nebulizer shots".

Here she is wearing Erin's hat the day before she got really sick.

Her first day back at day care. She was happy to see her friends & teachers. This was when we got home.

Last week we had a day where it was almost 60 degrees!!! Time to break out the spring wardrobe!! This is what Addison does in the morning while I get ready for work. In a month or so - I don't think I will be able to leave her in the middle of the bed with some toys.

She was "talking" to me in this next picture. We are pretty sure she can say "Hi" and she says something that sounds just like "doggies".

Here she is shoving her spitty (nice name huh?!?!) into her mouth. Anything she can get a hold of these days goes straight to her mouth.
Hard to believe she is already 7 months old! She gets so frustrated with herself that she cannot crawl and move around yet. Addison can scoot around in a circle, but cannot seem to figure out how to move forward or backwards. I will try to get it on camera its pretty funny :) She also doesn't have any teeth. Erik's Mom, Dana said he didn't get any teeth until he was 12 months old - so maybe she is on the same track. As you can see her hair is coming in REALLY blonde. It almost looks strawberry blonde in pictures, but in real life there isn't an ounce of red in her hair. Addison now gives kisses (if you ask for one) and is a really sweet baby. We are so blessed to have her!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day (a little early) I will have to post an update soon, but I thought I would publish a picture of Addison from last night. Her Aunt Jessica & Uncle Mike sent her a Valentines Day card and sure enough she grabbed it from me and put it straight to her mouth. We hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day! I will post more pictures and an update this weekend.