Sunday, January 27, 2008

Update and new pictures

Well it has been a couple weeks since Addison turned 6 months, and it has been a rough couple weeks. She has been really sick, but thankfully she is getting much better and seems to be turning a corner here!! Her 6 month stats are as follows -
Weight 17.2lbs (75%)
Length - 26" (50%)
Head Circumference (25%) I cannot remember the inches
Since she was so sick, they didn't give her any shots and we have to go back next week and get them done & have a follow up check up on her ears. She has had 3 ear infections in 2 months, so please say a prayer the ear infection is gone!!
Here are some recent pictures of the lady taken this weekend. Enjoy!!
Addy in her new Jumparoo. (see the video in the post below for her in "action")

Getting ready for Reagan's Birthday party.
Check out her party shoes :)
Addison saying "Thanks Matt for the books!"

She thinks they taste delicious!

Addison trying her first vanilla biscuit. This is the BEFORE shot

AFTER she "ate" the biscuit and then threw it on the ground.

She looks so innocent - doesn't she?!?!?!?

Addison in her new Jumparoo!

Friday, January 25, 2008

HAPPY 1st Birthday RMB!!

Today is Reagan's FIRST Birthday! I cannot believe she is already a year old! She is having a party tomorrow and Addison is excited to hang out with her friend :) Anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY REAGAN!! Isn't she adorable?!?!?

BTW - I will post 6 months stats & pictures of Addison this weekend. She has been really sick and we have had a long couple weeks :(

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Video of Addison laughing - well kind of ;)

Happy 6th Month Birthday to my LADY!

Well Addison is 6 months today! YAHOO!!! Her 6th month appt is on Jan 18 - so I will have stats for you then. Here is what she is up too now:
She LOVES cereal. her favorite is anything with bananas.

Veggie she likes: green beans, squash & sweet potatoes - the ones she isn't overly thrilled about are carrots & peas. She will eat them, but she doesn't scarf them down like the other ones.
She also loves bananas & applesauce.

Addison can sit up on her own - but will occasionally fall to one side or the other. If she is tired with playing with a certain toy she will arch her back - so we usually have to sit her next to a boppy/pillow to protect her.

She can roll over both ways - but for what ever reason doesn't like to roll from her tummy to her back. When you put her on her back she rolls to her tummy super quick!!

The teachers at daycare describe her as "Sassy". For being 6 months old she is already very opinionated and knows what she wants. She keeps Erik and I on our toes - that's for sure!

Addison loves her Leap Frog learning station & her exer-saucer. She also loves to play with her cell phone and car keys. I cannot believe my little lady is already 6 months old! She is lovely!! I will post 6 month pictures this weekend - but for now, here are some retro pictures of the little squirrel...

After her first bath (July 15, 2007)

My "sassy" lady - 10 days old.

Addison snoozing w/ Barrett. (1 week old)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Pictures from Addison's First Christmas

Here are the pictures from Addison's 1st Christmas! 2007 will be a Christmas we will never forget. It started out with Erik getting really sick, then unfortunately Dana caught it (twice) and was then followed by my Mom & Step-Dad getting it after Christmas. Addison also decided that Christmas Eve was the day she was going to have her BIGGEST melt down of all time at my Dad & Step-Mom's house during their party. She literally cried for an hour and a half straight and finally fell asleep in Erik's arms. We put her down in my parents room and luckily Erik and I were able to have a good time with the family. It was great to see everyone, and as always the food was excellent and the decorations were beautiful.
Here is Addison and I about 2 minutes before the meltdown. She even looks mad at her Dad for taking this picture.
Here is the only picture we got from X-mas Eve. Jack & Tate were SUPER cute and really excited about Santa.

Christmas Morning!! Addison woke up and was happy to open her gifts.

You will have to excuse the bed head - it was about 8am in the morning :) Barrett is actually sitting on Addison's lap in this picture.
Here she is with her first doll "Holly". Holly smells of lavender - and unfortunately smells TOO much like lavender and we had to air her out for a bit before putting her in Addison's room.

Playing with her Sports Center that she got from her Uncle Cletus, Aunt Carla & her cousin C.J.
Addison sporting her new outfit from her Grandma Dana -you gotta love the bow :)
Addison with Grandma Dana & Grandma Maggie on Christmas Day
During Christmas dinner she grabbed for my water glass and so I let her have a sip...

She couldn't get enough - and proceeded to "drink" out of the glass for about 10 minutes until she got bored.

After eating her Christmas dinner which consisted of Oatmeal & green beans - Yum-O!
(check out her adorable slippers that she got from her Nana & Pop-Pop. They are TOO cute!)
Uncle Craig & Addison. She loves him - as long as he is not making duck noises at her ;)

Addison showing off her new outfit from her Grandma Maggie.

And finally her new favorite thing to do - if you stand her up on the couch she likes to hold her self up like a big girl :)