Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Pictures from Christmas 2008

We had a WONDERFUL Christmas this year surrounded by friends and family! I had Christmas Eve off from work and got to spend the entire day with Addison (which is something I rarely get to do - so I loved every minute of it) Erik was off at noon that day as well! We went to church for the 5pm service and it was lovely. We go to Southeast Christian in Parker and really like it there! Then we came home and had David (Erik's friend) over for Christmas Eve dinner and just had a relaxing night.

Here is squeaky on the move! She was on the hunt for some presents.
This is about the best I could do at getting a picture of her standing still. She was knocking on the door looking for her Dad.

Christmas morning - sporting the lambie slippers :)

Here is Addison checking out her loot - the little lady got so many wonderful toys!

Santa brought her lots of books, crayons, coloring books, Lego's, a Backyardagains sing-a-long guitar, a little people zoo (that makes WAY too much noise) and some play food for her kitchen. Needless to say, Addy Shea will NOT need any new toys for a LONG time. Check out the dogs in the background - Santa brought them some chewies.. but I think they would have rather had Addison's toys.

Opening up the baby Elmo from her Aunt Carla & Uncle Cletus. Carla, by the way - is going to be induced Monday - January 5!! Riley is measuring over 9.5lbs (at 38 weeks) and her doctor said they will induce on Monday. Hopefully my next post will be about the safe arrival of my niece!!

My little Civil Engineer in the making. This is the one toy that will keep her occupied for at least 30 minutes. If you know Addison - you know her attn span is more like 5 minutes long. Yahoo for the Lego's!!

Possibly her favorite item - the box the firewood came in. Total cost - $0.00 Its the little things that keep her happy ;)
Christmas night was spent at my Mom & Daryl's house. It was a great time, and my younger brother Craig was there as well to celebrate. My Mom bought Addison her first doll house, a pink wagon, Dora & Boots dolls (which she LOVES), a car seat for her babies and even got Avery a couple items too. It was VERY thoughtful.
Hard to believe my 29th Birthday is on Friday... where does the time go?!?!?!?. My plans are to hang out with Addison, have lunch with my best friends, do a little shopping for the girls, and then go out to dinner with Erik to the Melting Pot. I am so blessed to have had a good year, I know that this has been a hard year for many people. Here is to hoping that 2009 is a great year - filled with happiness for everyone.

Addy Shea "somewhat" working on her animal noises

Please ignore the pears thrown everywhere - I can assure you she did manage to get a few into her mouth!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Congrats to Sarah & Russ

Congrats to our friends Sarah & Russ who are expecting their first baby June 9, 2009!! Sarah and Russ live up in Fort Collins- and we miss them very much! (We don't get to see them half as much as we want too.) Sarah is due 5-6 weeks after me - and we are exciting to add another baby to the group! Maybe she will break the girl trend we have going here and have the first boy!! They find out in late January.

Congrats to Sarah & Russ!!

By the way - this is the way she told all our friends she was expecting. She showed up at our Annual Christmas party with this cute shirt!!

Addy Shea got to meet Santa!

Our awesome neighborhood had Santa come to Stonegate for the holidays and we were able to have Addison see him. We were not sure if she would be scared, but she did awesome!! She wouldn't look him in the eye which was pretty funny - but she sat there as we tried to get her to face the camera. Santa asked her what she wanted for Christmas, and then told her she is one of his little "deer in the headlights" kids :)

This is pretty much the face I got in most of the pictures.

Once she saw the bowl of candy canes.. she was pretty excited!

Santa was trying to tell her Merry Christmas - and she was still eyeing the candy cane bowl :)

Here she is with Santa's reindeer. She kept yelling "DOGGIES".

Here is Daddy & Addy Shea posing in front of the reindeer.

Last but not least - here is our little dog Barrett.. showing off his Christmas spirit. He was such a good sport!

I know he looks pitiful here.. but he really didn't mind wearing the antlers ;)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Miss Avery makes her blog debut

I had my 21 week appt today and Miss Avery is measuring right on track. She is 11 oz, and was in the 40th percentile pretty much across the board with the exception of her legs - which were measuring closer to 80%! Heart beat is 153 bpm and she was moving all around. The doctor said she is going to call the hospital and schedule my repeat c-section for 4/28/09 or 4/30/09 first thing in the morning. She asked me which day I would prefer, but I told her as long as I can be the early surgery, I am okay with any day. They are supposed to call me sometime next week and let me know which day Avery will be born! Yahoo for April babies!!

They did find that I have placenta previa which means that my placenta is lying low in my uterus. They said its covering my cervix by 1.3cm and should hopefully move up & away as the baby & uterus grow through pregnancy. However, since I am having a c-section there is really no delivery risk to Avery or I, and they will just monitor it for the rest of my pregnancy. Sometimes placenta previa can lead to pre-term labor - and my doctor will just keep her eye on that as well.

I am down 7lbs from pre-pregnancy weight, BP is 112/70 and so far I am feeling great! I only get sick once in awhile now (thank goodness) and I have officially started to get excited about my little princess. I was having dreams that the ultrasound tech told me they were wrong - and Avery ended up being a boy - THANKFULLY today I got the reassurance that she is in deed fact a girl!

Here are some pictures from my ultrasound today. Sorry for the poor image quality. I have fairly low amniotic fluid due to being sick so much the past month, and I guess the pictures turn out better when your fluid levels are higher.

I am sure someday Avery will not be happy about this gender shot posted for everyone to see ;)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy Friday

Have a great weekend!

Tate & Jack Camel Back Riding

Here is Tate & Jack riding a camel in Dubai. That poor guy doesn't look to happy in his muzzle :( I am happy to report they have adjusted really well, and are loving life in the U.A.E. My parents are hanging in there, but I know they miss their life back in Colorado and will be happy when they finally come home. We miss them all very much!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Recent pictures over the past two weeks.

Here she is getting ready on Tuesday morning. Addison started a new daycare last week and has done so well! She has a new little buddy named Van, and they play together and get along great! We were sad to hear that Barb was closing her doors to get ready for her move to Ohio, but thankfully - Kim's house has worked out great and Addison has adjusted so well. She is really happy and took to Ms. Kim immediately. My only complaint is that its quite a bit out of the way from my work. With that said, Kim agreed to take Addison 1-2 days a week when I am on maternity leave, and we are HOPING that she will take Avery & Addison in the fall when I have to return to work. She is a very nice lady, and had a nice family. I am so happy things have turned out so well.
Addison got this reindeer from her friend Savannah that lives in Indiana. She held it in a death grip for about a hour until I had to pry it out of her hands so she could go to sleep. It was pretty cute though :)

Eating some cheerios - sporting her "elf" outfit :)

Check out those cute boots ;) - Gotta love Gap Kids.

Thanksgiving Pictures

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with family and friends and TONS of food. We had our friends Erin, her BF Brad & mom Paula over, one of Erik's close friends David and my brother Craig & his girlfriend Leah. It was a total relaxing day -and I am proud to say Erik did the turkey all by himself (because honestly - it barfs me out) and he did a great job!! Addison turned up the charm after dinner and proceeded to sing & dance for everyone and put on a little show. She is a total HAM, and loves the attention. Here are some pictures from our nice relaxing day.
Our Thanksgiving table before the festivities started.

I was trying to get some good pictures of Addison for our Christmas card (they are going out in the mail this week) and Erik picked up Addison and I snapped this cute picture! I got that dress from Hanna Anderson, and I love it! I am so thankful to be having another little lady - so I can get more use out of Addison's wardrobe!!

Here is Brad, Erin & her Mom finishing up dinner. We had a lot of food to begin with - and they brought a ham, yams, 2 kinds of mashed potatoes & cookies (I am sure I am forgetting something). Thank you for everything you brought! It was so good! Erik even made up a little song about the "yams". ;)

Craig, Leah & Miss Addy Shea - she thinks Uncle Craig is so funny ;) Craig has just turned 20 and is living in a house in Littleton with 3 of his good friends. He is working at Costco and doing well!! I cannot believe my little brother is so grown up!

This picture was taken before David took the most graceful fall I have ever seen. He was coming up from the basement and was going to get him and Erik another drink and tripped over Addison's baby gate. He fell pretty hard, but it looked really graceful and he SOME HOW managed to keep both whisky glasses from shattering all over the floor and he didn't even spill one drop. Atta boy - David ;) David is originally from Rockford, IL and went to HS with Erik. I know Erik is so thankful to have him here in Colorado.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A couple pictures of the girls rooms

Here are just a couple pictures of the girls rooms.

Addison's crib

Looking into Addy's room.

At this point -we just put her name on the wall behind the crib. Oh and I added those little lambs ;) I think they are super cute!

Jack's Big Music Show

Monday, December 8, 2008

New pictures coming this week.. also a Baby Landgren update.....

Sorry for not updating the blog with Thanksgiving pictures. Work has been really busy - and I haven't been able to find the time. I will upload them this week for sure though.

After some thought - Erik and I decided we were not going to keep our daughters name a secret any longer. We really wanted to decorate her room w/ her name above her crib and didn't want to worry about hiding it for the next 4 months. So without further adieu... we are naming Addison's little sister:

Avery Sophia Landgren

Our second "runner up" was Rowan Sophia.. but in the end Erik decided he liked Avery more.

So that is our big news for the day!

I promise to update with pictures soon. Addison started a new daycare and has caught a bit of a cold.. and now I am lucky enough to have it... so I haven't been feeling too hot :( I guess its that time of year though.

Hope this finds everyone doing well - and getting ready for the holidays!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Update on me & baby landgren

I tried to scan a couple pictures of my ultrasound without much luck - I'm sorry :( I will try to figure out another way to get picture of my little one on here.

I had a doc appt today - and all is good. BP was 100/72, and they had me go in for another ultrasound b/c baby's heart rate was too erratic on the doppler. Her heart rate was 171/bpm today and she was moving all around punching and kicking her legs out. I caught some type of horrible bug this weekend and spent Sunday & Monday pretty much sleeping and throwing up. I have already been pretty sick with this baby, and adding the flu to things just makes it so much worse. No wonder I am down in weight gain (not complaining here) since the start of my pregnancy. I was hoping the barfing would go away by 18 weeks.. but so far I am not that lucky. I am just glad that the baby looks healthy and she seems to be growing right on track.

Tentative C-Section day is Tuesday, April 28, 2009. I might see if I can push it back a couple days (April 30/May 1) so Erik doesn't have to spend his week off work in the hospital with me. We will see at the date gets closer.

Oh - for those of you who have asked - YES, baby girl landgren does have a name.. but we have decided to keep some element of surprise this time and keep her name a secret until she is born. I can tell you had she been a boy - we were going to name him Everett Jude.

That is all I have for now - I should have some cute pictures from Thanksgiving to post of Miss Addison next week. Addy is great - she has been having a couple of rough nights with the teething.. but overall.. she is a trooper!!

Hope you and yours have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!! Its hard to believe the Holidays are already upon us.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Results are in............

Erik & I are happy to annouce that Miss Addison will be getting a little sister in late April :) We are THRILLED and so happy that she looks healthy & perfect. She cooperated today and we found out within about 10 minutes. I will try to post pictures later - but I just wanted to update with our happy news.

I am already on cloud 9 just thinking about my little girls :)

Friday, November 21, 2008

We have a tooth!!

Mark your calendars- November 20, 2008 Addison got her first tooth!! I couldn't believe it. I picked her up from Barb's and sure enough - she has a bottom tooth poking out!! WOOHOO!!

Just wanted to update with the good news! I will update once we know the sex of baby landgren tomorrow!! Please keep your fingers crossed baby cooperates and lets us know who is in there!!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pictures from the last couple days.

Looking cute all bundled up ready for daycare. She is really good about keeping her hats on!
Tuesday night after her bath. This is her new look when you ask her to "smile".

Addy Shea this morning - asking for more cheerios. Yep - 16m and not a tooth in her mouth. We just hope she gets teeth before her little sister/brother makes their debut in April. However she has been a tad on the cranky side lately.. so maybe that is a sign that she is teething!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tate & Jack - Life in Dubai

Here is a picture of my little brother Jack & sister Tate in their school uniforms. They attend GEMS World Academy in Dubai. We miss them VERY MUCH, but are happy to hear that they are adjusting well, and love school. Tate is learning Arabic and can already write four letters, and say as many words! They have already made many friends - and I am sure they are enjoying the 85 degree days and having the gulf right in their backyard!! WE MISS YOU GUYS!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Election Day - GET OUT AND VOTE!!!

Here are just a couple pictures from the other morning before we left for daycare. Doesn't she look so grown up?!?
Asking me for more Cheerios. My kid LOVES cheerios!

On our way to Aidan & Lleyton's house on Halloween. She was so excited to be walking all around outside.

Addison helping Erik and I hand out candy after she was done trick or treating ;) (No we didn't let her eat ANY of that candy!)
Happy Election Day!! Make sure to get out and vote!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

These were taken yesterday at Arrow's Halloween Party. Addison was a hit ;) She brought home a lot of candy (all of which she will NOT be eating ;) We plan on taking her around to a couple houses tonight for trick or treating.

Thanks to Mary for making her tutu!!! It turned out perfect! She was one happy little bee!!


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pictures from our trip to Rockford, IL

This one is a little blurry.. but she was being SO good waiting for us to board the plane. Shortly after this picture was taken she started running all over the terminal. Erik and I really did get lucky, and I cannot say it enough how AWESOME she was on the entire trip! For 15 months old she really was a trooper!
Watching as the planes come in to DIA.

Sound asleep on the way to Rockford. She did awesome. She slept all the way there and back!! She was the perfect little traveler!

Every morning she would go into Grandma Dana's kitchen and "feed" the doggies some of her cereal. They all learned to follow her around and wait for food to drop. Needless to say Addison was a BIG hit!

Posing with Daddy - I think this picture is so funny. We went to Edwards Apple Orchard in Poplar Grove, IL on Thursday 10.23.08. It was a little chilly, but Addy had a great time and loved playing outside.

Farmer Addison

Feeding the goats - which I found pretty gross. She thought it was funny though.

Climbing on HER cabin. The little house was just the right size.

Erik kept jumping up and making her laugh. She thought he was hilarious!

Looking cute at the top of the slide. She had SO much fun playing on everything.

Playing on the train with her Daddy.

Addison picking out her pumpkin - she just kept saying "MORE MORE" but we only let her pick 2.

Erik & I @ Cliffbreakers for the Rehearsal Dinner. It was so nice to see so many friends from Rockford and have a night out.

Drew & his mother Debbie. That is his Dad Mark in the back. Drew was SO sweet. He kept tearing up and had tears streaming down his face almost the entire ceremony. He looked so happy!

Tania & her brother Greg as he walked her down the isle. Her dress was beautiful! All the bridesmaids wore red and looked stunning!

Erik & our friend Joey Nicosia. Two of Drew's good looking groomsmen ;)

Ms. Carla Dawn in her 28th week of pregnancy! Carla looks great, and is looking forward to the arrival of little Riley in January.

Our good friends the Daughtry's. CONGRATS to the new parents to be!! Jen is due June 2009! Baby Landgren will have a little Daughtry to play with!! I am sad to report that I had an AWESOME video of the Daughtry's singing "Faithfully" by Journey - and it didn't turn out :( I was SO bummed. You can hear them singing.. but its too dark to see anything. BUMMER.

Here is Addison & C.J. @ The Swedish Pancake House in Rockford. She adores C.J. and the pancakes were a close second ;)

Addy & her favorite Cousin C.J. (That is Dana's dog Elvis sitting with them)