Monday, April 20, 2009

Last post before Miss Avery arrives

Well I think this will be my last post before my little lady joins us. I can honestly say we are ready to go - and besides the fact I am starting to get nervous for the c-section; I cannot wait to have her in my arms! I have been having dreams that she is 10lbs (which scares the crap out of me). My Mother in Law Dana flys in this Saturday - and I cannot wait to see her. We already have plans to watch Twilight Saturday night and hang out together! She read the Twilight saga (on behalf of my nudging) and has yet to see the movie.

My last doctors appt is tomorrow morning -and then I guess we just wait and hope all goes smoothly. I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy has FLOWN by. It seemed like when I was pregnant with Addison it was a LONG 40 weeks. This time around I feel like we just told everyone we were expecting baby #2. I have been trying to enjoy every moment and not rush through the the weeks as this might be my last pregnancy - but with that said I am READY ;) I am pretty uncomfortable and feel like this baby might be a land giant!!

I have been in MAJOR nesting mode and have pretty much organized every inch of the house. The only thing left is the front entry way closet. I have to say - Addy & Avery's rooms & closets look AWESOME, as does the linen closet & the master bedroom closet. I am happy with my work!! :) We also went out and bought a toy organizer so I could separate Addison's toys. Erik had me take a picture of it - b/c he is pretty sure it will never look that organized again. I think if I can keep on top of it and teach Addison to put things back where they go - we will be okay. Here are some pictures of the bins, and then some of Addison this morning playing with everything.

So as you can see she pulled some things out - but this is totally manageable mess :) Plus that is what the toys are there for!! When she saw the new toy organizer after nap yesterday she said "Oh WOW" and then proceeded to thank Erik and I for it :) It was so cute!!

I am hoping my next post is a "She's Here" post! I am holding out hope that she will be born on Earth Day on Wednesday... I guess only time will tell.

Pictures my Step-Mom sent from their visit home

Here are some pictures my Step-Mom sent me from their week home in Denver. My Dad & Lorie took Addison for a couple hours b/c they wanted to spend some "grandparent" time with her. She loved every minute and had a great time. Here are the pictures Lorie sent in no particular order - Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Funny video of Addison laughing (and learning a phrase she probably should NOT know)

Easter 2009

Easter was pretty low key at the Landgren household this year. We went to Church on Saturday afternoon. Addy usually does pretty good in the toddler room, but about 15 minutes into the service we got a page to come back and check on her. She was upset and crying for her Dad - so I just took her with me into the service. She LOVED the music - but when the sermon started she wanted to get down and run around. We ended up having to take her into the lobby - where we tried to watch the service. Needless to say I believe God knows of our good intent even though we had to leave Easter service about 20 minutes early :)
Here she is sporting her Easter dress that Grandma Maggie bought for her.
Erik & Addison (this face is SO her!)

The loves of my life!!

Erik made Addison bunny pancakes for Easter breakfast. She ate it and ended up telling Erik that he is "funny".

Here are our dogs (Barrett, Wrigley & Goose) sporting their Easter bandannas. Obviously they were in the Easter spirit. (And yes - they line up like that on their own)

The bunny brought Addison some little goodies. The bunny was limited to ONE candy item, which I think Erik and I ate anyway. Addison is BUSY enough on her own - she doesn't need any candy to fuel her energy.

Addison wanted to start the egg hunt wearing Erik's shoes. She will shove them under the couch, put her feet in and then pull herself up. Its pretty funny to watch. Erik wears a size 13/14 shoe - so you can imagine the trouble she has walking around.

We had to do the egg hunt indoors b/c it was about 45 degrees & wet outside. So much for spring weather. It would have been nice to have one of those 70 degree days we had back in February.

My Mom came over for about an hour to see Addison and give her a white Easter purse she got her. It was nice to see her -and Addy always has a good time seeing her Grandma.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Office Baby Shower

My co-workers "surprised" me with a baby shower yesterday and it was awesome! I say "surprised" b/c one of the people I work with told me about it the day before assuming I already knew about it. Regardless I was really surprised when I found out. I can honestly tell you that working for Arrow was the BEST career decision I could have made a year and a half ago. I am really happy here. Its close to home, my boss is really understanding about family issues (picking up Addison - ect..) and my co-workers for the most part are great! My stress level has gone down TREMENDOUSLY - and I cannot tell you how nice it is to work for a place where you are recognized and appreciated. Don't get me wrong - most of the FEI locations I worked for were wonderful. Just towards the end of my FEI career was really stressful and hard on me. Ok - enough work rant - on to the shower pictures.

My Lambie diaper cake. Isn't it so cute?!?!?! I love it! Addison loves it too - and I had to pry her little paws off of it last night. I am going to keep this thing in tact as long as possible. They got it to match Avery's nursery.

Here are a couple signs outside the conference room. My boss actually came up with the Surprise picture. I thought it was hilarious that he crossed out surprise :) The top sign with "Welcome baby Erikfer" comes from the fact that one of my co-workers decided if this baby was a boy he was going to be named Jerik, and Erikfer for a girl (combining Jen & Erik). I thought she had forgotten all about that once we told her we are naming her Avery - but none the less the entire conference room was DECKED out in Erikfer pictures :)

Some of my co-workers getting some food.

One side of the conference room - they got Little Cesar's Pizza & crazy bread which is my favorite!! I know some people find LC's disgusting - I think its delicious :) That is my good friend Ted in the green shirt. He is actually pretty good friends with Erik and they play on the same Basketball league. (They were D League Champs last season :) )
My office really did make yesterday special!! I am very lucky. They also got me a bunch of really cute outfits and a whole stash of Burt's Bee's baby care items.
2 weeks from today is officially my last day in the office!!! I had a check up this week - and was told I am not dilated or effaced AT ALL. My doc said she thought we would be on for the c-section on the 28th as the baby doesn't look to be coming early. The good news is my blood pressure is excellent, I am up a total of 9 lbs from the start of pregnancy, and besides being told my baby is more than likely going to be an 8-8 1/2 pounder I am just uncomfortable and ready to meet her!! I cannot wait to see my girls together for the first time!


Addison latest favorite thing is shoes. She wants to wear Erik & my shoes all the time. We actually have to hide them from her. Tate was nice enough to let Addison borrow her princess shoes and Addy loved them! Thank you Tate!

Visit with the Fam from Dubai

My Dad, Step-Mom and siblings were in town all the way from Dubai last week. It was AWESOME to see them!! My sister Jessica also flew in from Chicago to hang out as well. I am not sure the last time all 5 kids were together - but it was a great time. Addison had a blast and after we left, kept asking for Jack over and over :) Here are some pictures from our time with them.
Like Pop-Pop - Like Grand-daughter :) She thought Pop-Pop was hilarious!
Uncle Craig & Squeaky. Leah (Craig's GF) was there too - but the picture of them turned out too blurry to post. Leah is coming over to watch Addy so I can take Erik out to an early b-day dinner tomorrow. I will try to get a picture then!

Hanging w/ Aunt Jessica

Why hello there Nana!

Aunt Tate, Uncle Jack & Addy playing the "Go Fish" game. Addison ended up braking the fishing pole (sorry about that Jack).

Jack "Mookie" is 5 1/2 now and almost in Kindergarten. He loves soccer & his cars and he is getting SO BIG! If you didn't know any better you would think he was 8 years old! Tate is almost 7 and in the 1st grade (where does the time go?!?!?!). She is a total sweetheart - we miss them dearly. (We couldn't get Addison to turn around & face the camera)

Addy Shea posing for the camera - I thought this picture was too cute not to post.

After we left Nana & Pop-Pop's house - this is what happened. We were in the car all of 5 minutes :) She was tuckered out! I know Lorie took a lot of pictures from when Addison was playing downstairs with Tate & Jack. I will post those when I get them.