Tuesday, February 24, 2009

WOOHOO I passed the 3 hour test!

I am playing catch-up at work so I will need to make this post quick.. but I will post pictures of Addison later when I have time.

I had my 3 hour glucose test yesterday and I found out today at my doc appt that I passed :) Here were my scores (if anyone cares):

1 hour: 120
2 hour: 104
3 hour: 102

My BP is 110/70 and I am up 1lb. I feel pretty good and Avery is moving all over. I am measuring 3 weeks ahead so they scheduled me for an ultrasound at my next appt in 2 weeks to make sure she isn't going to be a land giant.

On a final note: I just heard from my Dad - please keep my grandfather in your thoughts and prayers. My Pop-Pop has taken a bad turn and my Uncles Chris & Brad are on the way out to Savannah right now to see him & my Grandma. I will update when I know more - he is a really good man, and I am very sad that he isn't doing well. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

I will post some pictures of Sarah's Bridal Shower & some of Miss Addison later on today when I have more time.

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