Monday, June 29, 2009

Update on Miss Addy Shea

I figure the best way to update is to do a different post for each girl. Addison will be 2 in less than 2 weeks! She has taken SO well to the baby and honestly loves her baby sister. She wants to help me change her, give her a paci & blanket. I didn't think she would pay too much attention to to her- but pretty much from the minute we brought Avery home from the hospital she has been hovering around her. When Avery starts to fuss Addison will yell "I'm coming my Avery". She is a total sweetheart.

Addy talks ALL the time. Literally ALL the time!! I didn't realize how much she talked until I have been home on maternity leave with her. If the room is quiet for just one second she will look at me and say, " Hi Mom -Hi". So there is really never a quiet moment in the Landgren household. She loves to "read" her books and thinks Dora the Explorer is the greatest thing ever :) Addison also loves playing outside & going to the park. She continues to be one busy little lady.

She just finished her first round of swimming lessons and did great! We actually decided to re-enroll her starting in a couple weeks. When we would get to the pool she would yell "I love you bath". It was pretty cute!! Its only 30 minutes a week, and its nice for her and Erik to have time together.

We are having a little family b-day for her on her actual b-day; July 9th w/ my Mom, Daryl and Craig. Then on Saturday July 11 - we are having our friends over for a BBQ with a Dora theme for Addy's b-day ;)

I will try to keep the blog updated as much as I can now that I have my lap top back. With 2 kids it will be interesting :) Hope this finds everyone doing well!

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