Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Pictures from Addison's First Christmas

Here are the pictures from Addison's 1st Christmas! 2007 will be a Christmas we will never forget. It started out with Erik getting really sick, then unfortunately Dana caught it (twice) and was then followed by my Mom & Step-Dad getting it after Christmas. Addison also decided that Christmas Eve was the day she was going to have her BIGGEST melt down of all time at my Dad & Step-Mom's house during their party. She literally cried for an hour and a half straight and finally fell asleep in Erik's arms. We put her down in my parents room and luckily Erik and I were able to have a good time with the family. It was great to see everyone, and as always the food was excellent and the decorations were beautiful.
Here is Addison and I about 2 minutes before the meltdown. She even looks mad at her Dad for taking this picture.
Here is the only picture we got from X-mas Eve. Jack & Tate were SUPER cute and really excited about Santa.

Christmas Morning!! Addison woke up and was happy to open her gifts.

You will have to excuse the bed head - it was about 8am in the morning :) Barrett is actually sitting on Addison's lap in this picture.
Here she is with her first doll "Holly". Holly smells of lavender - and unfortunately smells TOO much like lavender and we had to air her out for a bit before putting her in Addison's room.

Playing with her Sports Center that she got from her Uncle Cletus, Aunt Carla & her cousin C.J.
Addison sporting her new outfit from her Grandma Dana -you gotta love the bow :)
Addison with Grandma Dana & Grandma Maggie on Christmas Day
During Christmas dinner she grabbed for my water glass and so I let her have a sip...

She couldn't get enough - and proceeded to "drink" out of the glass for about 10 minutes until she got bored.

After eating her Christmas dinner which consisted of Oatmeal & green beans - Yum-O!
(check out her adorable slippers that she got from her Nana & Pop-Pop. They are TOO cute!)
Uncle Craig & Addison. She loves him - as long as he is not making duck noises at her ;)

Addison showing off her new outfit from her Grandma Maggie.

And finally her new favorite thing to do - if you stand her up on the couch she likes to hold her self up like a big girl :)

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