Sunday, January 27, 2008

Update and new pictures

Well it has been a couple weeks since Addison turned 6 months, and it has been a rough couple weeks. She has been really sick, but thankfully she is getting much better and seems to be turning a corner here!! Her 6 month stats are as follows -
Weight 17.2lbs (75%)
Length - 26" (50%)
Head Circumference (25%) I cannot remember the inches
Since she was so sick, they didn't give her any shots and we have to go back next week and get them done & have a follow up check up on her ears. She has had 3 ear infections in 2 months, so please say a prayer the ear infection is gone!!
Here are some recent pictures of the lady taken this weekend. Enjoy!!
Addy in her new Jumparoo. (see the video in the post below for her in "action")

Getting ready for Reagan's Birthday party.
Check out her party shoes :)
Addison saying "Thanks Matt for the books!"

She thinks they taste delicious!

Addison trying her first vanilla biscuit. This is the BEFORE shot

AFTER she "ate" the biscuit and then threw it on the ground.

She looks so innocent - doesn't she?!?!?!?

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