Sunday, December 27, 2009

A post I should have written a few weeks ago...

Frank Donald Martell Sr.
July 8, 1931 - December 7, 2009

On Monday - December 7, 2009 I lost one of the most important people in my life. My Pop-Pop Frank Donald Martell passed away at the age of 78 after a long fought battle with Cancer. You would think knowing for months that he was falling sicker and sicker would make his passing a little easier because you could prepare for it. The truth is.......that is not true at all. I talked to my Aunt Amy on Sunday, December 6, and learned that his health was failing quickly and they only gave him hours to live. I went into our living room and tried to grasp the thought that within days the world would be without a wonderful man. I bet I cried on and off for hours. I was able to get a hold of my Dad in Dubai, and spoke to him a bit. He was making plans with my Step-Mom & little sister & brother to fly back to the States.

I was at work when I got the call of Pop-Pop's passing. He passed away around 11am EST surrounded by family. I went into one of the conference rooms so I could compose myself and try to just take a breath. I am happy he was surrounded by my family. From what I was told he died peacefully & even had a chance to talk to Lorie & My Dad overseas before he died.

Pop-Pop meant so much to me for so many reasons. He MADE himself a part of the lives of my brothers & sisters. He taught me a lot about music and encouraged me to stick with the flute when I started playing in 3rd grade. He would also tell me how important is was to learn about the history of our country and no matter what you face - you must work hard, and never give up. I know when I picked Finance as my major in College, he had his doubts that it was the best path for me as math was never a strong point of mine, but I always liked it. I remember him telling me how he was beyond proud when I graduated in 2002, and already had a job lined up. Making him proud was one of the best feelings I have ever had.

Pop-Pop LOVED dogs. Grandma always joked he treated the dogs better than he would treat her. They were surrounded by dogs all of their lives. From the time I was little I remember Pug 1 (pretty sure there was also a Pug 2, Laddy, Duchess, Dutch and now Minnie. I can tell you those dogs might have been the most musical dogs to ever live, as Pop-Pop would always have the music blaring and the dogs surrounding him. Minnie is with Grandma now, and from what I hear follows her around constantly. I am glad she had a companion in Minnie. My Grandparents were always blessed with very well behaved dogs (unlike myself who has more dogs than we know what to do with ;)

I gave my second daughter Avery the middle name Frances after him. I wanted him to know how much he meant to me, and all the support he has given me over the years was more than I could EVER thank him for. I was about 36 weeks pregnant with Avery when we got the call that his Cancer was back and very aggressive. The funny thing is - all over my grandparents house it says Francis Martell on all his documents (his college degree, his awards & achievements... you name it). My Dad told me he was NEVER Francis... his given birth name is Frank. My Pop-Pop thought his given name was Francis for years so he had that on all his documents. I still find that story so funny :).

Anyway.. I am working on closure as I was not able to attend his funeral. I have good days and bad. Kind goes in and out like a wave on the ocean. I should count my blessings I was 29 before I lost any family members, but this year has been a hard one on my family as I lost my Mom's Dad March 4, my cousin Michael Curtis in November, and then the passing of my Pop-Pop just a few weeks ago. I don't really pray that I find peace at this time - I pray more for my Grandma. She just lost the love of her life, and husband of 54 years. She needs more prayers and thoughts than anyone right now followed by my Dad & his brothers Chris, Skeeter (Frank Jr.) & Brad.

I talked to my Grandma on Christmas day for about an hour and a half. I would have given the world to just have been in Savannah and given her a big hug. She is going to have some rough days, weeks & months ahead and I wish I could be there or do something to ease her pain.

Maybe the fact I typed all this out will help with some closure. I have been listening to a lot of James Taylor, as it was one of Pop-Pop's favorites, as well as one of mine. EVERYTIME I hear "Steamroller" for the rest of my life I will think of him, and know he is looking down watching over me surrounded by all his dogs that he loved so much and still taking care of his family.

-I love you Pop-Pop, you were a GREAT man, and I will miss you everyday.

Christmas Morning - 2009

I went downstairs to get Addison's reaction Christmas morning. I should have set up our actual video camera.. but this will do. :) I hope everyone had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

I am ready for the new year.....bring on 2010!

Party in the USA

Erin has taught my daughter the wonderful world of Miley Cyrus... check out the video :) I still think Addy Shea's strong point is dancing :)

Halloween 2009 - 2 months late (sorry about that)

For Halloween this year Addison went as Little Bo Peep & Avery went as her sheep. Here are some pictures of them getting ready for the big night :) I don't think anyone really reads this blog anymore.. but for those of you who do, sorry for the delay..let's hope I can get Christmas pictures up by Easter. ;)

Friday, November 20, 2009

I suck at blogging....

I know, I know I suck at blogging these days. I honestly just cannot seem to find the time. :( This weekend is out due to the fact Erik and I have about a million things on our plate. I promise to blog soon. Here is a little recap over the last month...

Addison - She started gymnastics and LOVED it!! I am going to re-enroll her in the spring. I have to say she mastered the somersault! ;) She finally just got her last tooth the past week. So it only took until she was 2 1/2 to finally have a mouth full of teeth! She interacts more and more with Avery everyday - and just adores her. I am amazed at how helpful she is in regards to taking care of Avery. She always wants to bring me a diaper or her paci.. its wonderful! She also sings to her all the time (see the video below). Addison went as Little Bo Peep for Halloween. She loved Trick o' Treating and came back with a pretty big stash of candy (which she was allowed to eat 2 m&m's of). I am not a big fan of giving my kid any kind of sweets. On a final note - WISH US LUCK, the "paci-fairy" is coming next weekend to take away ALL of Addison's paci's. I hope it goes over well. She is SO paci obsessed that she actually kisses her paci good-bye in the morning and says "I love you paci". I think Erik and I are in for a couple of LONG nights.

Avery - is almost 7 months! (Where did the time go?) She is close to 20lbs already and is 28.5" tall!! She continues to be just the sweetest little girl and I honestly cannot say enough wonderful things about her. She barrel rolls all over the house and has learned that she can get to what she wants by moving that way. She loves her Jump-A-Roo, and could bounce for hours if I let her. She is such a lovey. I am so thankful for her everyday! She went as a Sheep for Halloween and even went Trick O' Treating with us.

Ok - so that is a mini update, but the best I can do at this point. I hope this finds everyone happy & healthy! Hard to believe the holidays are already upon us! It is my favorite time of year!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Addison singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Sorry for the lack of posting. I have been so busy at home & at work that I haven't had ANY time to sit down and actually update. I hope to have some time this weekend. I have a bunch of cute Halloween pictures & Gymnastic pictures of Addison. In the meantime - here is the latest video of the Landgren Girls. Based of this - I don't think Addy has a future in singing... but she is sure cute :) Obviously dancing is her talent!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Another Dancing Video...

At Aunt Jessica's request here is another dancing video of Miss Addy Shea. Erik taught her the "lift" from Dirty Dancing.. and here she is practicing it :) She is too funny!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Addy is a SUPER-STAR :)

First I would like to apologize for the shaking of the camera and loud laughing on my part in the video. I was laughing so hard it was hard for me to keep the camera steady. I think Addison is ready for her debut on Dancing with the Stars :) I have NO idea where she learned her new move - but I think its hilarious.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Just a couple pictures as of late...

Addy Shea now tries to dress herself. YES that is big girl underwear over her outfit. I am PROUD to say that Addison wore big girl underwear ALL weekend (not just as a fashion statement) and only had one minor accident. We are well on our way to being potty trained!!! Way to go Addison!!

Avery just turned 5 months this week. Such a happy little camper! This was before work on Tuesday.
Hope this find everyone doing well!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jessica & Michael are moving!!!

You can follow their blog at the link above. We wish them all the best and might have to pack up the kiddos and pay Aunt Jessica, Uncle Mike & Kitty Beef (their cat) a visit to the Big Apple :)

Good Luck guys! We love you!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Halloween Preview - 2009

Could be Mr. Tumnus... could be a cute little sheep ;) You will find out next month! :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Erik & his little BEAR fans

To say Erik is a Chicago sports fan is putting it mildly. My husband is a HUGE Cubs, Bulls, Illini & Bears fan (anyone who has seen our basement can attest to this). He jokes that the girls are not allowed to wear any other team shirts besides Chicago teams - because he wants them to grow up Chicago fans. The EXCEPTION to this is Colorado State. Apparently the girls are allowed to wear the green & gold and support their Mom's University (thanks so much Erik). Needless to say with a lot of our family living in Illinois, the girls are supplied with many cute Chicago team outfits.
My wonderful family.
Sorry this one is a little blurry - but look how cute my ladies are :)
Addy found an orange necklace somewhere, and kept asking me for a blue one to match her outfit. The poor kid hit her face on the coffee table Friday night - and got that little owie on her lip. :( Its almost 100% better!
Here is Avery telling us - she might be a Bears fan, but she will NOT support that BIG whiner Jay Cuttler that the Bears like to call their QB. Atta girl Turduckin!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Goodbye Dinner

Well on a sad note part of my family moved back to Dubai for another year overseas. We had a dinner last week to say goodbye to them and wish them well. Addison ADORES Jack & Tate. I love that she can actually interact with them, and they want to play with her and pick her up all the time.
Jack & Addison. Jack will be 6 at the end of October. He is super cute, and growing like a weed!! He just started Kindergarten!
Here is Addy with Aunt Tate. Tate turned 7 this past June and is such a sweetheart! Addison thinks she is fabulous (as you can tell from the picture). Tate is now in 2nd grade.

Super Model JP. I cannot believe how grown up my baby brother looks here!

The family @ Champps. Addison LOVES her Uncle Craig, and carries a picture of him in her purse. Its too cute!! If you ask Addy where her Pop-Pop is.. she will tell you "Pop-Pop is in Bye" (she is trying to say Dubai).

Addy & her Nana.
We miss you guys already! Glad you made it back safe!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend 2009 & Happy Anniversary to US!

First off - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to my Erik!! We have been married 3 years today! Together for 7.5, married for 3, bought 2 houses, moved 4 times, both changed jobs, had 2 kids, 3 dogs.. and a partridge in a pear tree. ;) It has been a BUSY few years to say the least.. but wonderful! Erik and I have BIG plans for 2010 - no more pets, no more moving, no more changing jobs (if we can help it), no more kiddos - just a nice relaxing year with our friends & family. That is the plan anyway ;) HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BABES - I LOVE YOU DEARLY!!!
It was so nice to have a 3 day weekend!! It was gorgeous everyday and Addison spent most of it outside. She played on her slip n' slide most of Sunday (I forgot to take pictures :( ) and on Monday - Erik rigged up a water slide for Addison and she had a BLAST!!

Addy is getting so big - and it was amazing to watch her climb up the side of the play gym like she has been playing on it for years. I loved watching her, and seeing how happy just this little water slide made her ;)

Erik took this picture of the girls Sunday morning. Addison always wants to lay next to Avery and "take care of her". That is the latest thing; Addison will come up to me and tell me "Mommy - I will take care of my Avery" SO CUTE ;) Addison also placed that tiger on Avery. She is always giving her presents.

Martell Family Reunion 2009

A few weeks ago Avery and I flew to Savannah, GA to spend the weekend with my family. I haven't been to Savannah in YEARS, so it was wonderful to go out there - it brought back so many great memories from my childhood. It was also really important to me, for my Grandparents to meet Avery for the first time. Thanks a million to my Uncle Brad & Aunt Amy who made it possible for Avery and I to be there with everyone.
Avery was as AWESOME traveler!! I couldn't have asked for a better baby!! She didn't really sleep on the flights (much to my dismay) but she was super happy - and was a total sweetheart! We had a layover in Atlanta, and spent 3 wonderful days in Georgia.
Here are my grand-parents with my baby girl :) Addison & Avery are the only 2 Great-Grand children so far.

My wonderful Pop-Pop (and the reason - Avery has the middle name Frances)

My Dad & his brothers. My Uncles are HILARIOUS!! They are all super funny, and I think they are wonderful. From L-R: My Dad, Uncle Chris, Uncle Frank "Skeeter" & Uncle Brad.

We had a dinner for my grandparents at the club on Saturday night.

I love this picture of my Dad (Avery's Pop-Pop), Aunt Jessica & Miss Turduckin.

She is getting too darn big too fast!! She was hanging out with her Pop-Pop.

Avery & Pop-Pop.

My Brother In Law, Mike eating Scrapple for breakfast. This picture cracks me up because even though Michael looks disgusted.. he actually liked it. My Uncles decided they really wanted Scrapple for breakfast on one morning. When I asked what it was - I was told "mostly pork". If you know me - you would know this grosses me out beyond words!! I was then told when the butcher is done cutting the meat - they basically scrape all the left over bits (scraps) into a pot, and then package it - hence "Scrapple". You fry it up and eat it for breakfast. I could barely stomach the look of it (once I knew what it was). Apparently if you are thinking about trying Scrapple - you should dip it in maple syrup. At least that is what the word on the street is...

My cute cousins ;) From L-R: Hannah (holding Avery), Molly, Harrison & Christian. Molly & Hannah live in Bradenton, FL. Christian goes to Seton Hall and is a Sophomore this year, and Harrison lives in Greenwich, CT. I miss these guys!!

Great-Grandma snuggling with my little lady.

Just relaxing with the family -once everyone made it in. I cannot tell you how nice it was to see my family and just spend time in Savannah. We need to do it more often!!

Visit with Grandma Dana

We had a wonderful visit with Dana (Erik's Mom) who came into town from Illinois to spend some time with us and see the girls. Here were some pictures of our time together.

Dana & her 3rd Granddaughter
Trying to get a picture of all of us together - there was a better one of the 4 of us, but the flash didn't go off :(

3 generations of Landgrens (Poor Avery looks scared to death)

Love bug

Early morning playtime with Grandma. Addison now requests "coffee" for breakfast thanks to her Grandma. (Dana claims she never gave her any.. but I am not so sure ;) )

Avery's 4 month appt.

Miss Avery turned 4 months old on August 28. I cannot believe how fast she is growing up! I think this picture of her is too funny not to share :) She has just found her tongue and tries to lick everything in sight. Here are her official stats from her doctor's visit last week:

Weight - 16.9 lbs (90%)

Height - 26" (95%)

Head - 41 1/2 cm (60%)

She is the sweetest thing - I just adore her. Luckily she is still a very mellow, calm - chill baby! We need it with Addy Shea on our hands!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

New posts coming soon....

Sorry I have been BEYOND swamped at work & when I get home things have just been too busy & crazy to have time to post. I have new pictures of my trip out to Savannah to see my family, the goodbye dinner for my Dad, Step-Mom & kids (they are going back to Dubai for a year) as well as pictures of Dana's visit to CO to put up. I will do that this weekend.

Avery also had her 4 month appt. I will post her actual stats later, but I know she was 16.9lbs (90%), Length is 95%, and her head is in the 60%.

Hope all is well & I plan to post this weekend!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bathing the Turduckin.....

I have SO many pictures of Addison in the bath from the time she was super little up until now, and realized I *might* have one picture of Avery. Here are some recent pictures my little lady in the bath. JUST like her sister she LOVES bath time. She is starting to splash all around, and just smiles the whole time.
My new favorite picture of Avery - check out those pretty blue eyes :)
I know she will not appreciate this picture when she is 16 - ahh well ;)

All dry!! Sporting her chick hooded towel :)

Visit with Jay & James

Erik's good friends Jay & James took a road trip to Colorado last weekend from Rockford, IL. Erik was so happy to see them and spend some time with his friends. They ended up going out Friday night, and then spent Saturday up in Estes Park. Addison thought both of the guys were great, and pretty much followed Jay around all weekend. Erik had her calling him "Jay-Bird", and she was connected to his hip while he was at the house. They had a great weekend. Here are some pictures from the trip (sorry for the lack of quality.. someone who will remain nameless took most of the pictures) :)
Morning James :)
Addison and Jay

David playing bags on Sunday. Addy wanted to play too :)

Here is James mid back swing

Even though Wrigley pretty much barked at the guys the WHOLE time they were here - They finally came to an understanding and became friends before the guys left to go back to IL.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My sweet Addison Shea

Addy with her "typical" Addison smile.

Daddy & Avery 3.5 months

Erik was sporting his ultra-classy Chris "Birdman" Anderson t-shirt. Avery is growing up so fast!! WAY TOO FAST!