Saturday, November 10, 2007

4 months old!!

Addison turned 4 months on Friday - November 9, 2007. We went for her doctors appt -here are the stats:
Weight: 13lbs 4 oz (50%)
Length: 24" (50%)
Head: 39 1/2cm (25%).
The fact that her head seems to be 25% smaller than her body worries me a little bit, but the pediatrician seems to think that it isn't a big deal, and just said they will re-measure at 6 months. She is right on track as far as everything she should be accomplishing at this point. Addison was in a great mood at her doc appt until it was time for her shots. She did really well and only screamed for a minute. Once I gave her a bottle she calmed down.
This past week was a BIG week for our little lady. She tried cereal for the first time. Because of her acid reflux our doctor has said we could have started it a month or so ago. However, I have been hesitant to do so. She was showing interest in what Erik and I were eating -so I thought I would try it out. She has done okay - we have given it to her 4 nights in a row, but I think I am going to hold off for awhile. She doesn't seem to really be ready and basically just spits it back out of her mouth. We will try it again in a month or so.
On Thursday Erik had to go get her from daycare because she had a fever -turns out squirrel has an ear infection. She is on medication, and if it wasn't for the fever we wouldn't have even known that she had the infection at all. She has been in the best mood and didn't show any signs of being uncomfortable. Hopefully she is feeling better!
Once I wrote the post about her no longer being a good sleeper - I am happy to report that since Tuesday night she has only woke up once to eat (sometime between 2-4:30am) and has only fussed for her paci a couple times!! Maybe we are turning a corner here!!
Addison has a lot of family coming into town the next few weeks. Her Aunt Jessica is coming in from Chicago on Wednesday, and her Aunt Carla & Uncle Cletus (yes she has an Uncle Cletus ;) ) are coming for Thanksgiving from Rockford, IL. We also found out that Erik's Mom Dana (who he lovingly refers to as "Grandma Smokey") is also coming in for Christmas! Bring on the Holidays!!!!
Here are some recent photos of our pumpkin squirrel :)

Addison happy about being 4 months old!
Sitting up like a big girl.

Laughing at Mommy

She loves playing in her exersaucer.

Daddy feeding Addison. This was Day 3 and she did pretty well.

She kept grabbing the spoon. She would just rather lick the plastic than eat the cereal, hence why we are going to wait another month.

My sweet girl getting in some "tummy time"

1 comment:

Annie said...

Happy 4 month birthday little stinker!