Friday, April 10, 2009

Visit with the Fam from Dubai

My Dad, Step-Mom and siblings were in town all the way from Dubai last week. It was AWESOME to see them!! My sister Jessica also flew in from Chicago to hang out as well. I am not sure the last time all 5 kids were together - but it was a great time. Addison had a blast and after we left, kept asking for Jack over and over :) Here are some pictures from our time with them.
Like Pop-Pop - Like Grand-daughter :) She thought Pop-Pop was hilarious!
Uncle Craig & Squeaky. Leah (Craig's GF) was there too - but the picture of them turned out too blurry to post. Leah is coming over to watch Addy so I can take Erik out to an early b-day dinner tomorrow. I will try to get a picture then!

Hanging w/ Aunt Jessica

Why hello there Nana!

Aunt Tate, Uncle Jack & Addy playing the "Go Fish" game. Addison ended up braking the fishing pole (sorry about that Jack).

Jack "Mookie" is 5 1/2 now and almost in Kindergarten. He loves soccer & his cars and he is getting SO BIG! If you didn't know any better you would think he was 8 years old! Tate is almost 7 and in the 1st grade (where does the time go?!?!?!). She is a total sweetheart - we miss them dearly. (We couldn't get Addison to turn around & face the camera)

Addy Shea posing for the camera - I thought this picture was too cute not to post.

After we left Nana & Pop-Pop's house - this is what happened. We were in the car all of 5 minutes :) She was tuckered out! I know Lorie took a lot of pictures from when Addison was playing downstairs with Tate & Jack. I will post those when I get them.

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