I tried to scan a couple pictures of my ultrasound without much luck - I'm sorry :( I will try to figure out another way to get picture of my little one on here.
I had a doc appt today - and all is good. BP was 100/72, and they had me go in for another ultrasound b/c baby's heart rate was too erratic on the doppler. Her heart rate was 171/bpm today and she was moving all around punching and kicking her legs out. I caught some type of horrible bug this weekend and spent Sunday & Monday pretty much sleeping and throwing up. I have already been pretty sick with this baby, and adding the flu to things just makes it so much worse. No wonder I am down in weight gain (not complaining here) since the start of my pregnancy. I was hoping the barfing would go away by 18 weeks.. but so far I am not that lucky. I am just glad that the baby looks healthy and she seems to be growing right on track.
Tentative C-Section day is Tuesday, April 28, 2009. I might see if I can push it back a couple days (April 30/May 1) so Erik doesn't have to spend his week off work in the hospital with me. We will see at the date gets closer.
Oh - for those of you who have asked - YES, baby girl landgren does have a name.. but we have decided to keep some element of surprise this time and keep her name a secret until she is born. I can tell you had she been a boy - we were going to name him Everett Jude.
That is all I have for now - I should have some cute pictures from Thanksgiving to post of Miss Addison next week. Addy is great - she has been having a couple of rough nights with the teething.. but overall.. she is a trooper!!
Hope you and yours have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!! Its hard to believe the Holidays are already upon us.