We had a WONDERFUL Christmas this year surrounded by friends and family! I had Christmas Eve off from work and got to spend the entire day with Addison (which is something I rarely get to do - so I loved every minute of it) Erik was off at noon that day as well! We went to church for the 5pm service and it was lovely. We go to Southeast Christian in Parker and really like it there! Then we came home and had David (Erik's friend) over for Christmas Eve dinner and just had a relaxing night.

Here is squeaky on the move! She was on the hunt for some presents.

This is about the best I could do at getting a picture of her standing still. She was knocking on the door looking for her Dad.

Christmas morning - sporting the
lambie slippers :)

Here is Addison checking out her loot - the little lady got so many wonderful toys!

Santa brought her lots of books, crayons, coloring books, Lego's, a
Backyardagains sing-a-long guitar, a little people zoo (that makes WAY too much noise) and some play food for her kitchen. Needless to say, Addy Shea will NOT need any new toys for a LONG time. Check out the dogs in the background - Santa brought them some
chewies.. but I think they would have rather had Addison's toys.

Opening up the baby Elmo from her Aunt Carla & Uncle Cletus. Carla, by the way - is going to be induced Monday - January 5!! Riley is measuring over 9.5lbs (at 38 weeks) and her doctor said they will induce on Monday. Hopefully my next post will be about the safe arrival of my niece!!

My little Civil Engineer in the making. This is the one toy that will keep her occupied for at least 30 minutes. If you know Addison - you know her attn span is more like 5 minutes long. Yahoo for the Lego's!!

Possibly her favorite item - the box the firewood came in. Total cost - $0.00 Its the little things that keep her happy ;)
Christmas night was spent at my Mom & Daryl's house. It was a great time, and my younger brother Craig was there as well to celebrate. My Mom bought Addison her first doll house, a pink wagon, Dora & Boots dolls (which she LOVES), a car seat for her babies and even got Avery a couple items too. It was VERY thoughtful.
Hard to believe my 29th Birthday is on Friday... where does the time go?!?!?!?. My plans are to hang out with Addison, have lunch with my best friends, do a little shopping for the girls, and then go out to dinner with Erik to the Melting Pot. I am so blessed to have had a good year, I know that this has been a hard year for many people. Here is to hoping that 2009 is a great year - filled with happiness for everyone.
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