Monday, December 8, 2008

New pictures coming this week.. also a Baby Landgren update.....

Sorry for not updating the blog with Thanksgiving pictures. Work has been really busy - and I haven't been able to find the time. I will upload them this week for sure though.

After some thought - Erik and I decided we were not going to keep our daughters name a secret any longer. We really wanted to decorate her room w/ her name above her crib and didn't want to worry about hiding it for the next 4 months. So without further adieu... we are naming Addison's little sister:

Avery Sophia Landgren

Our second "runner up" was Rowan Sophia.. but in the end Erik decided he liked Avery more.

So that is our big news for the day!

I promise to update with pictures soon. Addison started a new daycare and has caught a bit of a cold.. and now I am lucky enough to have it... so I haven't been feeling too hot :( I guess its that time of year though.

Hope this finds everyone doing well - and getting ready for the holidays!

1 comment:

Abbie Payge Photography said...

Cute blog with the new little design! Yes, I love Avery! but in the next 6 months if you get sick of it you need to consider Aspen...LOL OK so that is my name of choice but heck it was worth a try ;)
look for a little package coming in the next couple of weeks...gosh I love girl shopping!