Monday, January 19, 2009

My friends are the BEST!!

This weekend Avery & I were thrown a surprise baby-shower brunch by my friends. I was honestly shocked (and I am not an easy person to surprise by any means) and was so honored that they did that for Avery and I. Sarah, Annie, Mary & Erin took me to Mimi's Cafe (which I love) and we all hung out and I got some gc's, a lovie, a handmade baby blanket from Annie, clothes for both girls & a book. It was SO thoughtful. I am so lucky to have the friends that I have. I didn't have my camera, but I will get pictures to post on here shortly. Thank you so much LADIES. You are all so thoughtful and wonderful. I don't know what I would do without you!! When Erin dropped me off, she came in to see Addison and I took this picture. Look at Addison's little rabbit teeth ;)

Sunday was a pretty lazy day with the exception that we took Addison to "Little Monkey Bizness" over in Lone Tree. Its an in-door play area for kids 0-6 years old with lots of play structures and bounce houses. To say Addy Shea loved it was an understatement. She ran her little tail off the entire time we were there!! You can see the video of her below. My Mom came with us, and it was a good thing. It took 3 of us to run around after her for 90 minutes. Here are a couple pictures from her time at LMB, also you can check out the video Erik took of her below.

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