Friday, March 20, 2009

Addison's new play house

Erik and I went to Toys R Us last Saturday and got Miss Addison her first playhouse. She absolutely LOVES it and spent all of last weekend playing in it outside. She woke up on Sunday and the first word out of her mouth was "house?". We figured with me being home on Maternity leave for 3 months; she would get a lot of use out of it. One of her BFF's Reagan is coming over tomorrow morning to play outside with her. Enjoy!

Her reaction to seeing her new house for the first time!

She wanted Erik to hang out in her house with her. She grabs him by the hand and says "Come on Dad". Needless to say he spent HOURS in that house last weekend.

Wrigley chilling by Addy's car. He was her watchdog.

Addison wanted all the dogs to sit in the house as well.

Here they are feeding the"horses" some crackers. She was calling them her horses when they would sit outside the house. It was pretty funny.

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