Tuesday, May 8, 2007

30 weeks - there is a light at the end of the tunnel!!

Well I finally brought my camera back into work and have some pictures to post.
The first couple are of Erik after he put our new travel system together this weekend!! My Mother In Law was kind enough to buy the travel system for Addison for the baby shower and we both love it! Erik picked it out and its crazy to think in a few short weeks their will actually be a little baby in there!! I told Erik I wanted to take a picture of him w/ the stroller and he proceeded to stick his entire head in the car seat - that's my Erik. Anyway - Thanks a Million to Dana! We will get great use out of this!!

The last picture is me in all my glory at 28 weeks along. I also have 20,24 & 26 week pictures... but I figured I would post the most up to date one. I have been debating posting a picture or not - but here is me and the little lady. This was before work one day. Sorry for the lack of smiling I was concentrating on keeping the picture in focus since Erik already left for work and couldn't take it for me.
I had my 30 week appt yesterday. It was the quickest appt to date! I have basically been a couch potato for the last 2 weeks since I came down with that horrible infection and it wiped me out. Yesterday my doctor FINALLY put me on antibiotics and I am beyond thrilled. I am so tired of being sick. The cough syrup they gave me has codeine in it and last night was the best I have slept in weeks!!! So hopefully in the next couple days I will be as good as new!
My blood pressure was still high (136/85) but nothing out of the ordinary for me. Dr. Vargas also set an induction date! If Addison has not already made her appearance by July 8 - she will be born July 9!!! WOOHOO. Dr. Vargas seems to think that she might need to come a little earlier though because of my blood pressure... we shall see. I didn't get an ultrasound yesterday, but she picked up her heart beat and said she sound great! Next time I get what she called the "Spa Treatment" (she was being facetious) which is a non stress test, ultrasound & appt. Then I start weekly appointments until she is here! Time is flying and I am getting really excited, but anxious.
Erik is typical Erik - relaxed & laid back. I think he will be excellent to have in the delivery room because he will calm me down. He is getting really excited for his daughter to be here - and looking forward to the 3d/4d ultrasound on May 19. His 27th Birthday is also this Thursday -so we will be going out to celebrate this weekend. :)

1 comment:

Mary said...

Hooray! Pictures! I hope you enjoy that travel system as much as we have :)