Monday, May 21, 2007

3d/4d Ultrasound (32 weeks!)

Well we had it done - and I will tell you it was AMAZING! I should have the disk sometime this week and I will post pictures. She is adorable and I am completely smitten w/ her. (By the way - to those of you who knew I was having dreams she has a cleft palate... she doesn't ;) I don't have a lot of time to write b/c I am working on an initial disclosures statement for a meeting with our atty tomorrow morning - but I will post the pictures and tell you all about it later this week. I will tell you she has long legs & big feet - thanks to my husbands size 13-14 shoe size ;)

A couple things to note:

*Thanks a MILLION to whom ever sent Addison her first savings bond :) It came in the mail on Saturday and didn't have any info attached to it, so we are not sure who it is from, but thank you very much! I already put it away in her file!

* The little lady measured 4lbs 4 oz today, and her heart beat was 150 bpm. She is in the 47% for growth and they said she is measuring perfect. The non-stress test went well. She didn't cooperate until they gave me a Capri Sun (my new favorite drink) and after about 10-15 minutes she was moving around like crazy!

* Induction is officially scheduled for July 9. Dr. Vargas said they would check me at my 38 week appt on July 3 and depending on how I am progressing will determine if I come in the night before on the 8th to start the induction process - or if I will just come in bright and early Monday morning. Either way we should have Addison in our arms sometime on the 9th! 7 WEEKS from today!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I am so excited! My doctor is on vacation the week before so lets hope the lady doesn't want to make her appearance sooner! I REALLY want to have MY doctor. She is wonderful.

* Erik and I have a breastfeeding class tonight at the hospital. Should be interesting. I will let you know how it goes.

*I also want to thank my friend Mary for all her advice. She had her daughter Reagan back in January and has been a wealth of knowledge and has answered my many, many questions on pretty much a daily basis. It's so good to know you have someone you can call about the little pregnancy things and count on to give you good advice. THANK YOU MOUSE!

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